When I was 6 years old, my Dad said he would pick me up from school, I was super excited! My Dad is a doctor and was extremely busy during that season of his career. Having him take the time to pick me up was a rare treat, especially since he would take me out to get a treat before we went home. So, at the end of school at 1:30pm that day, I got ready and waited. My older cousin showed up to pick me up. I informed her that my Dad was planning to pick me up and that we were to have a fun day together afterward, so she left. It became 2pm, then 3pm, at which time my neighbor came to pick up his daughter and asked to take me home and I refused his offer, “Daddy is coming” I said. Then it became 4pm and he had still not come, my Uncle came to pick up my cousin and offered to take me home and I once again refused, I was waiting for my Daddy. These were the days before cellphones, and no one could contact him to confirm his whereabouts. At 6pm, just as the school staff were about to take me to the owner of the school’s house as they had to lock up the school, my parents arrived, frantic and worried. My Dad had forgotten he was to pick me up. My mum usually closed from work late and was unaware I had not gotten home yet. There was panic when my parents got home that day; my cousins were extremely worried as they had assumed I had been with my Dad all afternoon.
I had complete faith in my Dad that he would come true for me as promised, and I was content with waiting till He showed up like He said He would. My parents were very apologetic, and I got a lot of treats that evening.
In the Bible, Christ talks about us being like little children. I recently reflected on my experience and concluded that was the kind of faith God wants us to have. I did not waiver but trusted fully that my Daddy would come true for me. There was a delay, I could see, but he loved me and would do what he said that he would. May God help us have that childlike trust and faith in him. The path to our promise might not look like what we had in mind, but He will come true in the end.